Guard Your Focus

What’s up guys!

It’s Ashlee Tate here! 

If you’re new to this channel, I’m a brand strategist who helps changemakers, creatives, and small business owners unleash their message into the world so they can increase their profit, purpose, and productivity. 

I’m so excited to share with you all today a book that literally changed my life called Deep Work by Cal Newport. 

For those of you who’ve been here before, I’m sure you’ve heard me talk about it. 

This book changed how I prioritize not only work, but every aspect of my life.

I want to share with you all how I learned to guard my focus after reading this book and how you can maximize your focus each and every day too. 

As the owner of 2 businesses, it’s hard to achieve a work-life balance without boundaries in place. 

It’s easy to let work take over other priorities. 

Deep Work showed me how to prevent this from happening in the first place. 

Let’s dive in! 

Deep Work by Cal Newport

In addition to owning 2 businesses, I’m also a wife and a lucky mom to 2 pretty amazing kids. 

Overall, I really don’t have much more time to give. 

If you know, you know. 

The first time I read Deep Work was 5 years ago in 2016 and it has stuck with me ever since. 

This book showed me a completely different way of thinking and the benefits I received from it were incredible. 

I needed to move the needle forward, be efficient, and prioritize the right things at the right times. 

This book helped me do just that. 

I’ve been able to identify my priorities and values. 

I now understand where I want to focus the majority of my time and I avoid those little everyday tasks that keep us busy but keep us from progressing substantially. 

In Deep Work, Cal Newport puts forth the idea that 3 to 4 hours of continuous, uninterrupted deep work per day is all we really need. 

I’m going to share some tips with you all so that you can build a system of your own. 

Guard Your Focus - Ashlee Tate


Where will you do your deep work? 

For me, I have my own space where my family knows not to bother me and where guests won’t find me if we happen to have people in the house. Who will be allowed in your space? If you have dogs, will they be there while you work or in the crate?

Do you need a quiet place? Or maybe a clear space with a clear desk? Whatever it is, incorporate that into your work environment. For me, it’s having what I love around me such as butterflies, greenery, and motivational quotes. 

Having an environment that is specifically yours and 

is one that you like is important. What does this environment look like for you? There’s a lot to think through! 

How will you work once you start? 

What I mean by this is what do you need to have in place to make sure that when you start, you’re ready to focus. 

I need to drink a smoothie first and complete my workout since that’s when my mind is the clearest. 

What works for you and your schedule? For example, maybe you work best at night. Does this mean that you should cook dinner first or take a shower? Perhaps it’s best if you work 8-11 after your kids go to bed. If this is more a side hustle you’re building, you’ll have time to get up and go to work without the tiredness. This would give you 3 hours of focused time to really work on what is most important to you. 

Make sure you have a plan as to how you will prepare yourself to work without disruptions and what exactly you will need to do. 

How will you support your work? 

Once you start your work system, you’ll find certain things that will still disrupt your work. Remember that this is your time to work with minimal distractions, so it’s good to address these disruptions. 

If your phone is a distraction for example, put it on do not disturb. Refrain from checking text messages, phone calls, and social media. 

One of my boundaries is that I will not answer my phone until after 1:00 unless it’s my kid’s school or my husband. If someone needs me, I let them know that they can text me which allows me to filter what’s urgent and what’s not. 

Putting boundaries in place increases clarity and focus and makes deep work easier.  

It’ll never be perfect, however, but it’s good to fight any resistance. 

Make a grand gesture 

The last tip is to make a grand gesture. By making a grand gesture, we are more likely to hold ourselves accountable. 

Making a grand gesture could be getting an accountability coach (or friend), saying publicly what it is you’re working towards, or clearing out a space for just you in your home like I did. 

I also have a biweekly call with a friend of mine. Our journeys align and so, we motivate each other and make sure we’re on the right track. 

Finding ways to hold yourself accountable will increase your productivity significantly and you’ll be more likely to stick to any changes. 

Final Thoughts

If you can, go get Deep Work for yourself. 

You won’t regret it! 

We currently live in a very distracted world where it can be difficult to simply focus. 

The information in this book will always be relevant, especially now.


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