3 Ways Starting A Podcast Can Improve Your Small Business or Nonprofit.

A year ago, we made a significant decision at our nonprofit that would change the way we reached our audience. We decided to start a podcast. This decision stemmed from a realization: podcasts, once unsearchable, were now discoverable through search engines like Google. And for us, that made all the difference.

Before this change, producing a podcast felt like shouting into the void. Without search indexing, each episode required significant effort to reach new audiences. Frankly, it didn't seem worth the time and resources.

Once podcasts became searchable, everything changed.

Our nonprofit, like many others, was in need of a marketing strategy that could propel us to the next level and spread our message more effectively. Thus, the Launching Better Parents Podcast was born.

In this blog post, I want to share the top three reasons why every business, nonprofit, or organization should consider producing searchable media on a consistent basis. While we chose a podcast, others may opt for videos on YouTube or regular blog posts.

Reason #1: Let Your Ideal Customer Find You

With searchable content, your ideal customer can discover you effortlessly. Imagine providing the perfect solution or information your potential customer was searching for. This can lead them straight to your business, sparking an instant connection and potentially converting them into loyal customers.

Reason #2: Evergreen Content Works for You Forever

Once created, searchable content continues to work for you indefinitely. No matter how many listens, reads, or views it initially receives, it only grows in value over time. This means that the effort put into creating it pays off exponentially as it continues to attract new audiences.

Reason #3: One Piece of Content, Multiple Opportunities

One piece of searchable content can be repurposed into multiple forms of social content. Whether it's quotes for images, video clips, or audio snippets, the possibilities are endless. This means you can create various engaging content without starting from scratch each time, saving you time and resources.

Launching our podcast transformed our nonprofit's marketing strategy. By employing searchable media, we've been able to reach new audiences, provide valuable content, and streamline our content creation process. If you're looking to elevate your business or organization, consider the power of searchable content—it could be the game-changer you've been waiting for.

Watch the full video here: How To Start a Podcast From Scratch | Podcasting for REAL Beginners Like ME!

Let me know if you start one up in the comments below!

Stay Fierce,



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